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Posts Tagged ‘Employment Law Attorney’

What Does It Mean to Be an “At Will” Employee?

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Employment Law, No Comments

Employment Law Florida

Florida is an “at will” state, which means that employers can fire employees for little to no reason. This doesn’t mean, however, that as an employee, you have no rights or that if you were wrongfully terminated, you have no…

Employment Discrimination Lawyer

Recently, former White House aide Omarosa Newman revealed that she secretly recorded President Trump while she was being fired, as well as a follow-up phone conversation that took place shortly thereafter. While Newman is not the first employee who has secretly recorded a conversation in…

Unpaid Overtime

President Trump’s personal driver recently filed a lawsuit claiming that Trump failed to pay him for overtime hours worked during his 25-year tenure of employment. Noel Cintron claims he was shorted overtime hours on his pay for virtually the entire time he worked for…