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Understanding Unpaid Overtime in Florida

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Unpaid Overtime, No Comments

Employers in various industries sometimes try to minimize labor expenses in illegal ways. And unfortunately, unpaid overtime is an extremely common wage violation. Employers are required to pay employees 1.5 times their standard pay rate when they work over 40…

South Florida Company Owes Workers $1 Million in Unpaid Wages

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Unpaid Overtime, No Comments

The United States Department of Labor has filed a lawsuit against a South Florida food packaging plant for wage theft. According to the court documents that were filed in June 2018, Green Bean Packers, Inc. owes 351 current and former…

Unemployment Claims: Know Your Rights in Florida

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Employment Discrimination, Employment Law, No Comments

Being laid off can be stressful and financially draining. Unemployment benefits can tide you and your family over until you are able to secure another position. Whether you’re on your first unemployment application or your claim has already been denied,…

Being let go is challenging, especially when it’s due to a decrease in business, restructuring, or some other reason that’s outside of your control. Some employers use severance pay to support terminated employees and ease the transition into unemployment, while…

The 5 Most Common Types of Wrongful Termination Lawsuits

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Wrongful Termination, No Comments

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination is one of the most common types of employment lawsuits. And while there are always varying factors from case to case, most fall under one of the following categories. Discrimination or Harassment It is against federal law for…

Minimum Wage Laws in Florida

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Employment Law, No Comments

Laws in Florida

You deserve fair payment for the work and hours you put in for your employer. While most employers aim to treat workers favorably and pay them as required by law, some companies try to cut costs by shorting employee wages.…

Wrongful Termination in Miami

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Employment Law, Wrongful Termination, No Comments

Wrongful Termination in Miami

A woman in Broward County is suing her former employer for wrongful termination and retaliation. Sherrice Charles alleges her employer, Florida Home-Improvement Associates Inc., violated the Private Sector Whistleblower Act. Charles claims she objected to the company’s practice of running…

What Does It Mean to Be an “At Will” Employee?

By Law Office of Keith M. Stern, P.A., In Employment Law, No Comments

Employment Law Florida

Florida is an “at will” state, which means that employers can fire employees for little to no reason. This doesn’t mean, however, that as an employee, you have no rights or that if you were wrongfully terminated, you have no…

Employment Discrimination Lawyer

Recently, former White House aide Omarosa Newman revealed that she secretly recorded President Trump while she was being fired, as well as a follow-up phone conversation that took place shortly thereafter. While Newman is not the first employee who has secretly recorded a conversation in…

Employment Discrimination Lawyer

Sadly, there are still numerous places in the United States where it is perfectly lawful to fire an employee for being gay. In fact, a significant number of employers have skirted the anti-discrimination rules from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act…