If you’re applying for work in the state of Florida, you have rights that cannot be impeded. You may have heard that Florida is an “at-will” state that grossly favors employers over employees. While it is true that a Florida…
If you live and work in the State of Florida, you’ve likely heard that Florida is an at-will state in terms of employment. You may have also heard that Florida is a “right-to-work” state. Both of these are true. Does…
Overtime pay can be a blessing, creating an opportunity to earn more per hours for hours worked over the employee's regularly scheduled shift. However, there are legal loopholes that allow employers to require the extra work without having to pay…
Employees in Florida are protected by both federal and state law and employers are required to pay their workers fairly. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) governs wages across the country and prevents employers from taking advantage of their workers…
The Fair Labor Standards Act governs wage and hour laws for nonexempt employees. This law requires all employers to pay nonexempt employees the federal minimum wage or higher and requires overtime pay for employees who work more than 40 hours…
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was originally passed in 1938, affecting nearly 70,000 workers at the time. It was one of the most important pieces of legislation in the New Deal and it governed pay, limited the workday and…
It is not uncommon for employers to have their employees sign a contract before beginning work. These days, this contract usually contains an arbitration clause, which requires the employer and the employee to enter into arbitration, should a dispute arise.…
From wrongful termination to discrimination, employees in Florida are often the victims of workplace violations. Luckily, there are numerous federal and state employment laws in place to protect employee rights. Employment law is a very diverse area of the law…
Being laid off can be stressful and financially draining. Unemployment benefits can tide you and your family over until you are able to secure another position. Whether you’re on your first unemployment application or your claim has already been denied,…
Being let go is challenging, especially when it’s due to a decrease in business, restructuring, or some other reason that’s outside of your control. Some employers use severance pay to support terminated employees and ease the transition into unemployment, while…